Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding your pets travel to New Zealand- New Zealand Pet Shipping, its what we do!

Please find below summary requirements - New Zealand pet travel information and requirements for the importation of cats and dogs.
Animals must be shipped in IATA approved transit kennels that allow the animal to stand up without touching the top of the box, lie down and turn around.  It is a requirement that cats and dogs are shipped as manifest cargo and not as excess baggage.  There is currently a minimum 10 days quarantine stay for cats and dogs entering New Zealand from the UK. 


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All Cats & Dogs must be vaccinated against Rabies with an approved inactivated virus vaccine or recombinant vaccine expressing the rabies virus glycoprotein.  The primary vaccination is to be given not less than six months and no more than one year prior to date of travel.  If a booster vaccination - the vaccine was given not more than one year prior to the date of shipment.(NOTE Rabies Vaccination must be kept up-to date from date of sample collection for rabies titre test - to date of shipment).  Rabies Titre Test (at least four weeks after rabies vaccination).  The dog has been subjected to a FAVN or REFIT rabies neutralising antibody titration test (as prescribed in the OIE Terrestrial Manual) on a sample collected not less than three months and not more than 24 months prior to the date of shipment with a result of at least 0.5IU/ml.


From the UK the following paperwork is required:


An Import Permit and booking with an approved Quarantine facility in either Auckland or Christchurch is required. A list of the approved Quarantine facilities can be found on the NZ MPI website.  All animals must be identified with a microchip (approved ISO types only).  Import Permits take 20 working days to be processed.


An Official Export Health Certificate, which must be applied for from APHA.  Section A is to be completed and certified by your OV within 48 hours of the flight (Section B on a separate sheet will be completed by an Airport Veterinarian at the point of embarkation).

- On two occasions, the first being within 30 days, and the second within 4 days prior to export (being at least two weeks apart), treatments for nematodes and cestodes (internal parasite treatment) must be given.

- On two occasions, the first being within 30 days, and the second within 4 days prior to export (being at least two weeks apart), treatments for nematodes and cestodes (internal parasite treatment) must be given.

- In the case of dogs only, blood tests for Dirofilaria and Leptospirosis (or specific treatment with antibiotics for Leptospirosis) must be completed and submitted to APHA Weybridge within 30 days of departure with negative results (more tests will need to be done if any positive results are obtained). In the case of the antibiotic treatment for Leptospirosis, a 14 day course must be completed during the 30 days prior to export.

- In the case of dogs only,   blood tests for Brucella Canis (RSAT or TAT) and Babesia Gibsoni (IFAT or ELISA) must be completed and submitted to APHA Weybridge within 16 days of departure. Alternatively 2 PCR tests for Babesia Gibsoni can be completed on samples taken 30 to 37 days apart, with the second being taken within the 16 days prior to departure. Again, the blood for testing must be submitted to APHA Weybridge.  Dogs with conclusively positive test results for Babesia are not eligible for Import regardless of treatment.  Note Babesia Canis treatment or test is only applicable for dogs that have resided in or travelled to South Africa.

- In the case of dogs only, treatment for Heartworm is required within 4 days of departure with either with Milbemycin or Moxidectin.

-Yearly vaccinations are to be up to date including Kennel Cough for Dogs. Cats must be vaccinated against the following for entering quarantine- Feline Panleukopenia(enteritis), Feline Rhinotracheitis & Feline Calicivirus. Your chosen Quarantine Station in New Zealand will be able to give you a full list of the vaccinations they require.


A written declaration regarding residency, age and pregnancy as laid down in the regulations.