Thinking of shipping your pet to Cyprus?
Please don’t hesitate to contact us regarding your pet shipping Cyprus needs.
Below is some information regarding the requirements for your pet travel to Cyprus.
Entry into Cyprus from Great Britain. The steps below must be followed to be compliant with EU requirements.


dog holding cypriot flag in mouth

The following is required:


Your pet has been implanted with an electronic microchip.


Rabies Vaccination - This must be given at least 21 days prior to export.  This can be shown in a vaccine card or on a rabies vaccination certificate obtained from your vet.


Completion of AHC (Animal Health Certificate for entry into the EU) by your Vet within 10 days prior to departure. An alternative health certificate is required should your pet be travelling unaccompanied (commercial health certificate). Ask our friendly staff for advice on this.


Additionally further information can be found at: Visit the Government website here for more info