Relocating our pets can be a daunting prospect, and maintaining their health and safety during cargo transport is a primary concern for pet owners.

Understanding these apprehensions, we at Airsupply Pet Travel are dedicated to ensuring your pet's well-being, employing comprehensive measures to mitigate any risks and secure an optimal transit experience. As international pet relocation specialists, our experienced team actively safeguards pet health by addressing and adhering to stringent regulations, tailoring travel plans, and providing excellent care throughout the relocation process.

In this article, we explore the critical strategies we implement to guarantee your pet's health and safety during cargo transportation. Learn about the expert practices, advanced planning, and attentive care that contribute to a stress-free, efficient, and successful pet relocation.


Regulations Compliance and Its Impact on Pet Health

Adhering to international regulations and guidelines is crucial for maintaining pet health during cargo transportation. We comprehensively comply with the International Air Transport Association's (IATA) Live Animals Regulations to ensure the utmost safety for pets in transit. This involves adhering to travel crate specifications, providing appropriate identification and documentation of pets, and working in concert with carriers that uphold these standards. By strictly adhering to established guidelines, we minimise the risk of complications, guaranteeing a safe journey for your pet.


Customised Travel Arrangements to Cater to Unique Health Requirements

For pets with specific health conditions or needs, we at Airsupply Pet Travel take exceptional care when planning travel arrangements. By collaborating with pet owners and veterinarians, the travel details are tailored to optimise comfort and well-being and address any health concerns. This proactive and customised approach ensures pet health is prioritised at all times.


Appropriate Travel Crate Selection to Reduce Stress

Stress reduction is crucial to maintaining pet health during cargo transport. Using the IATA guidelines, we help pet owners choose the most suitable wood or plastic crates for their pets, maximising safety and reducing stress. These crates offer adequate ventilation, and space to stand up, turn around, and lie down, and are escape-proof. Furthermore, familiar items such as bedding are encouraged to be placed within the crate, offering comfort and a sense of security for pets. Although toys are not allowed in travel crates due to safety concerns, pets receive the support and comfort they need through their familiar bedding and thoughtfully chosen crate.


Layover Considerations for Health and Comfort

We understand the importance of layovers for pet health and comfort during cargo transportation. Instead of rushing pets from one flight to another, our team focuses on scheduling longer layovers, allowing pets the opportunity to rest, eat, drink, and relieve themselves. This approach aligns with research indicating that pets with appropriate layover durations experience less stress and better overall health during transit.


Vigilance during Climatic Changes and Temperature Control

Aware of the risks posed by extreme temperatures, we ensure pets are protected from climatic changes during transit. We work closely with airlines and ground handlers to maintain optimal temperature control throughout the journey, especially for temperature-sensitive breeds. Our attention to detail in managing temperature-related risks contributes significantly to maintaining pet health and well-being during cargo transport.


No Sedation Policy to Prevent Health Complications

In line with the UK's ban on pet sedation during transportation, we discourage the use of sedatives for pets in transit. Sedation can lead to health complications during travel, potentially increasing anxiety and respiratory issues in pets. Instead, we work with pet owners to develop alternative calming strategies, such as using pheromone-based calming products or anxiety wraps, ensuring pets remain as relaxed as possible without sedation.


Hydration and Nutrition During Transit

Access to adequate hydration and nutrition during the transportation process is a critical factor in maintaining pet health. We provide guidance to pet owners on supplying appropriate food and water portions in the travel crate to ensure pets receive the sustenance they need during their international journey. Proper food and water provisions, combined with well-planned layovers, promote the welfare of pets.


Open Communication to Reassure Pet Owners

Although pet owners cannot see their pets during transport, we provide regular updates and open communication throughout the journey. By keeping pet owners informed of their pets' progress, well-being, and potential challenges, we offer invaluable peace of mind and reassurance. This committed communication not only benefits pet owners but also ensures that pet welfare remains at the forefront of our relocation process.


Choose Us for Your Pet's Safe and Healthy Relocation

Our expertise and dedication to promoting pet health during cargo transportation reassure pet owners that their furry companions are in the best possible hands. With a focus on compliance, individualised planning, risk management, and attentive care, they ensure that your pet's well-being is prioritised throughout their international journey.

Embarking on an international move with your pet is made easier with the support of our professional team at Airsupply Pet Travel. Explore our range of pet transport services and learn more about our commitment to providing a safe, stress-free, and successful relocation experience. Choose us to safeguard your pet's health and well-being during our cargo transport, allowing you and your pet to enjoy a seamless transition to your new home.