Embarking on an international move is an exciting yet challenging adventure.

Ensuring a smooth and successful pet relocation calls for expert knowledge, diligent planning, and a keen understanding of various regulations and requirements. This is where Airsupply Pet Travel, a leading international pet transportation company, offers invaluable support and expertise.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the exceptional services, skills, and attention to detail provided by Airsupply Pet Travel when assisting pet owners with the secure relocation of their pets across the globe. From travel consultations and documentation preparation to the coordination of flights and ground transportation, Airsupply Pet Travel consistently demonstrates unwavering commitment to your pet's wellbeing.

Explore how Airsupply Pet Travel is poised to manage the complexities of international pet travel expertly, fortifying partnerships with pet owners built on trust, efficiency, and a remarkable understanding of the unique challenges in pet relocation. Join us as we reveal how Airsupply Pet Travel can deliver a seamless and enjoyable experience, ensuring your pet arrives at their new home safe and sound.


Understanding Cargo Travel for Pets

Airsupply Pet Travel specialises in pet cargo transportation, providing a secure and suitable crate for your furry friends during their international journey. Airlines charge cargo fees based on the pet and crate's combined weight and, in most cases, the crate's dimensions. Airsupply Pet Travel assists pet owners by determining the most suitable and cost-effective options for their pets' transportation, considering the size and weight of the pet and the crate.


Managing Documentation and Regulations

Navigating the documentation and regulations associated with international pet travel is a complex task. Airsupply Pet Travel offers specialised guidance and support in preparing and submitting the necessary paperwork, such as health certificates, import permits, and vaccination records, to ensure compliance with each country's specific import and export regulations. Be assured that we will diligently manage all documentation-related processes, minimising stress and confusion for pet owners.


Preparing for Travel: Crate Selection and Sedation Rules

An appropriate travel crate is essential for your pet's comfort and safety during relocation. The travel crate must be made of wood or plastic, conforming to International Air Transport Association (IATA) guidelines. Airsupply Pet Travel will offer guidance on choosing the correct crate size and design, allowing ample space for your pet to stand, sit, and move comfortably.


Sedation for pets during travel is strictly prohibited in the UK due to the potential health risks. Airsupply Pet Travel can provide alternative recommendations for keeping your pet calm and comfortable without the use of sedatives.


Layovers and Cargo Transit: Ensuring Pet Comfort and Wellbeing

Contrary to popular belief, long layovers can be beneficial for pets travelling internationally, as airlines require enough time to facilitate pet transfers and accommodate offloading and onloading procedures. Most airlines recommend layovers of eight hours or more to ensure your pet's welfare during transit. Airsupply Pet Travel monitors each journey's layover duration and prioritises your pet's well-being throughout their travel experience.


During layovers, pets spend time in pet facilities, allowing them to temporarily leave their crates, stretch their legs, and enjoy a brief respite. Pet owners should be aware that they will not be permitted to visit their pets during these stops, but can be assured that their pets will receive the care and attention they need.


Guidelines for Pet Comfort: No Toys Allowed

Toys may pose a risk to your pet's safety during flight; therefore, they are not permitted inside travel crates. However, pet owners can still provide comfort items such as familiar bedding materials, which may help calm and reassure pets during travel. Airsupply Pet Travel can suggest further measures to ensure your pet remains comfortable and relaxed throughout their journey.


Post-arrival Support: Ensuring a Smooth Transition

Once your pet arrives at their destination, Airsupply Pet Travel remains available to provide post-arrival assistance, ensuring a smooth and comfortable transition for your pet. Our dedicated team will offer guidance regarding any post-arrival requirements, address any concerns pet owners may have and provide ongoing support as needed.


Airsupply Pet Travel's comprehensive approach to international pet travel encompasses every aspect of the relocation process, offering a seamless and enjoyable experience for both pet and owner. Through careful planning, strict adherence to regulations, and a focus on pet welfare, We consistently achieve successful pet relocations, allowing families to embark on their new adventure together.


Choose Airsupply Pet Travel for a First-class Pet Relocation Experience

International pet relocations can be challenging and complex, making it essential to entrust your pet's journey to experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of global travel. Airsupply Pet Travel's expertise and dedication to pet wellbeing ensures seamless and stress-free experiences for pet owners embarking on new life chapters.


Don't leave your pet's international relocation to chance; let Airsupply Pet Travel handle every aspect of the journey, from documentation to transportation and post-arrival support. Explore our exceptional services and insights, catering to the unique welfare needs of your pet throughout the relocation process. Contact us to learn more and discuss how we can expertly manage your pet's international transport, ensuring a safe and comfortable arrival at their new home.