When it comes to relocating your beloved pets, cargo transport can be a necessity, and proper preparations must be made to ensure their well-being and comfort during the journey.

As pet owners, it's natural to feel concerned or overwhelmed by the thought of placing our furry friends in cargo transport. However, with the right precautions, guidance, and resources, you can ensure their safety, contentment, and overall happiness during the process. 

In this article, we will explore essential tips and insights to help you prepare your pets for cargo transport, enabling them to feel more comfortable and reassured throughout their journey. Let's dive into the steps you can take to help minimise any stress and create a positive experience for your pets during international relocation.


1. Choose the Right Travel Crate for Your Pet

The first step in preparing your pet for cargo transport is selecting the appropriate travel crate. It's essential to choose a crate that is well-ventilated, securely constructed, and made from durable materials like wood or plastic. Ensure that the crate is neither too small nor too large and that your pet has enough room to stand, lie down, and turn around comfortably. Cargo fees are based on the pet and crate's combined weight and dimensions, so choosing the right-sized crate is also cost-effective. 


Familiarise your pet with their crate well ahead of the journey, allowing them to associate it with positive experiences and relaxation. This will help to reduce anxiety and ensure a more comfortable trip.


2. Prepare Your Pet for the Journey

It's crucial to invest time in preparing your pet emotionally and physically for their cargo transport experience. Start by getting your pet used to being in a crate, gradually increasing the amount of time spent within it over several weeks. This can entail feeding your pet in the crate or providing them with praise and rewards for entering and relaxing in the space. In addition, take your pet for regular vet check-ups to ensure they are in good health and up-to-date with vaccinations. Note that sedation is banned in the UK, so discuss alternative calming methods with your vet if necessary.


3. Trust Certified Pet Transporters and Plan Ahead

Ensuring your pet's well-being during cargo transport requires more than just a suitable crate and a stress-free environment; it also includes trusting certified pet transporters to handle your pet with care throughout the journey. When choosing a pet transportation company, like Airsupply Pet Travel, look for trusted companies with experience in handling pets and a proven track record of satisfied customers. Additionally, plan your pet's journey well in advance, taking into consideration factors such as flight durations, layovers, and the pet's overall comfort. Long layovers are generally better for pets, as they allow ample time for them to recover between flights.


4. Focus on Proper Hydration and Feeding Practices

While it's crucial to provide your pet with access to water during cargo transport, there is a delicate balance to be maintained to avoid dehydration and overhydration. To mitigate the risk of dehydration, you can provide your pet with a water dish that is secured to the inside of the travel crate, ensuring they have access to clean water throughout the journey. Overfeeding your pet right before flying can lead to discomfort and potential digestive issues. Instead, feed your pet a light meal 12 hours before departure.


5. Ensure Your Pet Has Necessary Documentation

Obtaining the appropriate health documents and permits for your pet's international journey is an essential part of the relocation process. For example, some countries require pets to have a health certificate issued within a certain period before the travel date, while others might have specific vaccination requirements. Consult with your pet transportation company to ensure you have all the necessary paperwork and documents in order, and organise them well ahead of your pet's departure date.


6. Create an Emotional Support Plan

As much as we'd like to, we cannot always be with our pets during their cargo transport journey. Proactively creating an emotional support plan for your pet is essential to help them cope with the experience. This may include packing a piece of clothing or a blanket from home that has your scent on it, as familiar smells can help reduce anxiety for pets. Moreover, talk to certified pet transporters about providing extra support through soothing sounds or music, as these can have a calming effect on your pet during the journey.


7. Post-Travel Care and Reassurance

Once your pet has arrived at their destination, it's crucial to provide them with care, love, and reassurance. Your pet may feel disoriented or fatigued after a long journey, so allow them sufficient time to recover and acclimate to their new surroundings. Ensure that they have a comfortable, familiar space to rest in, with fresh water and food readily available. By providing your pet with ample comfort and care after their journey, they will quickly settle into their new home and look forward to new adventures ahead.


Overall, ensuring the happiness and well-being of your pets during cargo transport relies on thorough preparation, focusing on their physical and emotional needs as well as working with experienced, certified pet transporters. Following these steps and guidelines will help to create a positive relocation experience for your pets and provide you, as a responsible pet owner, peace of mind during the process.


Experience Worry-free Pet Relocation with Airsupply Pet Travel

Providing your pets with a happy, comfortable cargo transport experience involves extensive preparation, expert guidance, and a thorough understanding of their physical and emotional needs. 

At Airsupply Pet Travel, international pet transportation experts work tirelessly to guarantee the smoothest possible relocation experiences for pets worldwide. With our unparalleled expertise and unwavering commitment to the well-being of your pet, you can trust us with your pet’s happiness and safety during their journey. To learn more about how we can assist in your pet's relocation and help you navigate the essential steps for a successful move, contact us today and begin the journey to providing your pet with the smoothest cargo transport experience possible!