Relocating your beloved pet to the picturesque landscape of New Zealand can be a complex endeavour.

Nevertheless, proper guidance and assistance from Airsupply Pet Travel, an international pet transportation company, can simplify the process for you and your furry companion.

In this extensive guide, we will delve into various essential aspects such as documentation, travel preparation, import and quarantine procedures, and more to help you navigate your pet's successful journey to their new Kiwi home. By following this guide and entrusting your pet's relocation to our experts at Airsupply Pet Travel, rest assured that their journey will be smooth, safe, and stress-free as they join you in beautiful New Zealand.


1. Compiling Essential Documentation for Pet Relocation to New Zealand

 Proper documentation is vital for a smooth pet relocation to New Zealand. Key documents required include:


- A health certificate for your pet, issued by a licensed veterinarian, stating that they are fit to travel and free from contagious diseases

- Proof of rabies vaccination for dogs and cats

- A rabies neutralising antibody titre test  (RNATT). This must be performed on a blood sample collected no less than 3 months before departure to New Zealand. As this often takes at least 6 months, the team at Airsupply Pet Travel can help provide a schedule for you to make the process easier.

- A declaration regarding External Parasite Treatment for dogs and cats

- A declaration regarding Internal Parasite Treatment for dogs and cats

- Altogether, this can involve up to 3 treatments and blood tests for your pet.


It is crucial to consult with us at Airsupply Pet Travel for guidance on the specific requirements, as they may change depending on your country of origin.


2. Understanding Import and Quarantine Regulations

Being well-versed in New Zealand's import and quarantine regulations is essential for a seamless pet relocation. Key points to note include:


- Pets must enter New Zealand via cargo, as in-cabin travel is not available. Fees are based on the combined weight and dimensions of the pet and the travel crate.

- Travel crates must be IATA-compliant and made of either wood or plastic, ensuring your pet's safety and comfort during the journey.


3. Navigating New Zealand's Quarantine Process

For pet relocation to New Zealand, quarantine procedures are mandatory. Dogs and cats imported from approved countries are subject to a ten-day quarantine period upon arrival, during which your pet will be examined by a veterinarian and undergo necessary tests. Follow these steps to navigate the quarantine process:


- Book a space for your pet at the quarantine facility well in advance.

- Ensure you have all the necessary documentation and that your pet fulfils the specific health requirements.

- Secure transportation for your pet from the quarantine facility to their new residence upon completion of the quarantine period.


Certified pet transporters, like us at Airsupply Pet Travel, can help you navigate New Zealand's quarantine process and provide expert advice on relevant requirements.


4. Preparing Your Pet for Air Travel

Proper planning and preparation are crucial for ensuring your pet's welfare during air travel. Consider the following tips:


- Sedation is discouraged during air travel and prohibited in the UK. Alternatively, consider anxiety-relieving items such as pheromone sprays to help calm your pet naturally.

- Long layovers can be beneficial for pets, allowing them time to rest and recover. When planning your pet's relocation, choose airports with pet relief and care facilities.

- Owners cannot see their pets during transport. Trust our certified pet transporters at Airsupply Pet Travel to expertly handle your pet's journey.


5. Complying with New Zealand Pet Import Regulations and Categories

New Zealand has strict pet import regulations, categorising countries based on their rabies risk. There are three categories - Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3. Depending on your country of origin, the import requirements and procedures may vary.


Category 1 includes countries where pets are exempt from rabies requirements, such as Australia. For pets from Category 2 countries (including the USA, Canada, and most EU countries), be aware of additional blood testing and health requirements. Pets from Category 3 countries are subject to more stringent import requirements and additional testing.


Consulting with us at Airsupply Pet Travel ensures that you understand these import regulations and are prepared to comply with all necessary requirements.


6. Adapting Your Pet to Life in New Zealand

Helping your pet adjust to their new life in New Zealand is essential. Consider the following tips:


- Gradually adapt your pet's daily routine to New Zealand's time zone before departure.

- Familiarise yourself with New Zealand's dog control laws, such as leash laws and breeds classified as menacing or dangerous, to ensure legal compliance.

- Introduce your pet to local plants and wildlife gradually and under supervision, as New Zealand's unique flora and fauna may pose potential risks.


7. Choosing the Right Pet Relocation Service

Ensuring a successful pet relocation largely depends on the expertise of your chosen pet relocation company. We at Airsupply Pet Travel offer comprehensive and reliable pet transportation services, with certified pet transporters providing expert care and support throughout the process. From documentation assistance to expert handling, trust us at Airsupply Pet Travel for a stress-free pet relocation experience.


By understanding New Zealand's specific import and quarantine regulations, documentation requirements, and travel logistics, you can ensure a seamless and comfortable pet relocation process. Airsupply Pet Travel's professional guidance and support enable you and your pet to enjoy a smooth transition to life in the beautiful country of New Zealand.


Embark on a Smooth Pet Relocation Journey to New Zealand

Relocating your pet to New Zealand is a complex process involving crucial documentation, quarantine procedures, and essential travel preparations. However, with the guidance and support provided by Airsupply Pet Travel, the entire process becomes manageable, ensuring a stress-free experience for both you and your beloved pet. Our comprehensive pet relocation services, combined with their team of certified pet transporters, guarantee your pet's welfare, safety, and comfort throughout their relocation journey.


Start your new life in New Zealand with your pet by entrusting their relocation to our experts at Airsupply Pet Travel. Visit our website today and let their dedicated team guide you and your pet on a smooth and seamless journey, tailored to meet your specific needs and requirements.