International pet relocation involves navigating numerous regulations, customs checks, and health requirements to ensure your pet's safe transportation to their new home.

However, for owners of unique or specific breeds, the process can present additional challenges. Certain dog and cat breeds face strict restrictions and unique considerations when travelling internationally. Understanding these breed-specific requirements and working closely with a professional pet relocation service ensures that your distinctive pet benefits from a safe, comfortable, and hassle-free journey.

In collaboration with Airsupply Pet Travel, this informative guide aims to provide an in-depth look at the breed-specific regulations and requirements for successful international pet relocation. As a leading provider of pet transportation services, Airsupply Pet Travel is committed to ensuring the safety, comfort, and overall well-being of your pet, regardless of their breed or specific needs. Offering a range of services, including pet travel consultation, preparation of travel documents, and coordination of flights and ground transportation, their experienced team is well-versed in managing breed-specific travel requirements and is dedicated to ensuring a streamlined relocation process.


Restricted and Prohibited Dog Breeds

International travel regulations for specific dog breeds vary among countries, with some imposing strict rules or even breed bans. It is essential to research your destination country's regulations well in advance of travel to ensure compliance. Consider the following guidelines when researching restricted and prohibited dog breeds:


1. Breed bans: Some countries or municipalities implement outright bans on specific breeds, prohibiting entry or imposing stringent requirements and restrictions on ownership.


2. Restricted breed lists: Some destinations maintain restricted breed lists, outlining additional regulations that apply to certain breeds, such as mandatory muzzling in public or insurance requirements.


3. Import permits: In some cases, you may need to obtain a special import permit to bring a restricted breed into your destination country, which may require additional documentation and preparation.


4. Research and preparation: Familiarise yourself with your destination country's regulations and, when necessary, coordinate with relevant authorities to ensure compliance and a smooth relocation process.


Brachycephalic Breed Considerations

Brachycephalic or flat-faced breeds, such as Pugs, English Bulldogs, or Persian cats, may face unique challenges when travelling internationally. Due to their distinctive facial structure, these breeds are more prone to respiratory difficulties, which can complicate air travel:


1. Airline restrictions: Some airlines have strict rules surrounding the transportation of brachycephalic breeds, with certain companies even prohibiting their travel in cargo holds due to potential health risks.


2. Suitable crate selection: For flat-faced breeds, selecting an appropriate crate that provides ample ventilation and space is crucial to ensuring their comfort and safety during transport.


3. Pre-travel health assessment: Consult your veterinarian for a thorough health assessment, addressing any potential respiratory issues specific to your brachycephalic pet.


4. Ground transportation: Consider ground transportation alternatives, assessing the feasibility of train or car travel for your flat-faced pet's relocation.


Meeting Health and Fitness Requirements

Certain dog and cat breeds may be subject to specific health and fitness requirements for international travel, ensuring your pet is fit to fly and resilient enough to adapt to their new environment:


1. General health checks: Schedule a comprehensive health examination with your veterinarian, assessing your pet's overall fitness and addressing any breed-specific concerns.


2. Vaccination schedules: Adhering to a timely vaccination schedule is paramount, especially for breeds prone to particular health issues. Coordinate with your veterinarian to ensure vaccinations align with your destination country's requirements.


3. Fitness preparation: Encourage regular exercise for your pet, gradually building their stamina and addressing any breed-specific considerations, such as maintaining a healthy weight.


4. Breathing and cardiovascular health: Prioritise your pet's respiratory and cardiovascular health, particularly for specific breeds susceptible to related issues, such as heart or lung conditions.


Partnering with Pet Relocation Specialists

Working with a professional pet relocation service, like Airsupply Pet Travel, provides invaluable support when navigating breed-specific travel requirements:


1. Expert guidance: Pet relocation specialists can advise you on the necessary permits, documentation, and preparations needed for your specific breed, ensuring a compliant and efficient process.


2. Air and ground transportation: A reputable pet relocation service will coordinate air and ground transportation for your pet, working closely with airlines and transportation providers to ensure a seamless experience tailored to your pet's breed-specific needs.


3. Veterinary and health support: Pet relocation specialists are experienced in navigating breed-specific health considerations, providing informed recommendations on managing your pet's fitness and guiding you through mandatory health checks and certifications.


4. Continued support: Partnering with a pet relocation service ensures access to ongoing guidance throughout the relocation process, offering peace of mind as you embark on your exciting international journey.



Navigating the complexities of breed-specific international pet relocation requires thorough research, planning, and expert support. By addressing restricted and prohibited breeds, brachycephalic breed considerations, health and fitness requirements, and working closely with pet relocation specialists like Airsupply Pet Travel, you can ensure a safe, compliant, and tailor-made relocation experience for your unique companion.


With the right resources and guidance, even the most distinctive or breed-specific pet can enjoy a smooth and successful relocation journey. Trust in the expertise, dedication, and commitment of Airsupply Pet Travel as they guide you through every stage of the process, prioritising your pet's safety, comfort, and well-being at every step. Armed with these insights and expert support, you and your exceptional pet can look forward to a stress-free transition to your new home and a bright future together. Get in touch with us to find out more about our pet shipping services!