Embarking on an international relocation with your pet requires diligent preparation and an understanding of the health requirements and regulations necessary for safe, smooth travel.

Ensuring your pet is in optimal health and vaccinated against common diseases is crucial when moving to another country, as this not only safeguards your pet's well-being but also protects public health and native ecosystems in your destination country.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll discuss the importance of adhering to pet vaccinations and health requirements when relocating internationally, highlighting what you need to know to protect your beloved companion's health during this significant life change. In collaboration with Airsupply Pet Travel, a trusted international pet transportation company, we'll explore essential considerations and practical advice on vaccinations, health documentation, and veterinary consultations, empowering you to provide your pet with the best care possible.


Core Vaccinations and Destination-specific Vaccines

One of the most crucial aspects of preparing your pet for international relocation is ensuring they are up-to-date on all core vaccinations. These vaccinations protect your pet against common, potentially life-threatening diseases. Some of the most common vaccinations for dogs include canine distemper, canine parvovirus, canine hepatitis, and rabies. For cats, vaccinations for feline panleukopenia, feline calicivirus, feline herpesvirus, and rabies are generally recommended. 


In addition to these core vaccines, your destination country may also require other destination-specific vaccinations that protect against local diseases or parasites. For example, some countries may require protection against heartworm disease, leishmaniasis, or tick-borne diseases. It's essential to research and confirm the vaccination requirements of your destination country well in advance, allowing sufficient time to complete any necessary vaccinations and obtain proper documentation.


Health Documentation and Certificates

To demonstrate your pet's health status and vaccination history, you'll need to obtain appropriate documentation and certificates from your veterinarian. Typically, this includes a signed and dated health certificate, vaccination records, and other relevant test results. Keep in mind that the specific documentation requirements may vary depending on your destination country.


A few essential aspects to consider when handling your pet's health documentation include:


1. Understanding Country-Specific Requirements: Make sure to familiarise yourself with the specific health documentation requirements of your destination country, as some countries may have unique stipulations or request additional tests or documents.


2. Timeframes and Validity: Health certificates are generally time-sensitive and have a limited validity period. Confirm the necessary timeframes for obtaining the required documents, ensuring they remain valid throughout your pet's relocation process.


3. Record Accuracy: Carefully review your pet's health records and vaccination history to confirm all information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.


Pre-Travel Veterinary Consultations

Scheduling a pre-travel veterinary consultation is crucial to review your pet's health, verify their vaccination history, and ensure they are fit to travel. Consider addressing the following topics during the consultation:


1. Vaccination Requirements: Discuss the core and destination-specific vaccination requirements with your veterinarian and confirm that your pet is up-to-date on all necessary vaccinations.


2. Health Examinations: Request a comprehensive health examination to identify any potential health issues that could affect your pet's ability to travel safely.


3. Fitness to Fly: If your pet is travelling by air, your veterinarian will need to confirm their fitness to travel in the cargo hold or cabin, as applicable.


4. Preventative Treatments: Speak with your veterinarian about any additional preventative treatments that may be necessary, such as parasite prevention or dental care.


5. Special Considerations: If your pet is taking any medications, ensure your veterinarian provides the appropriate prescription and recommends any necessary medical care during the relocation process.


Managing Existing Health Conditions

If your pet has pre-existing health conditions, it's essential to ensure they receive proper care and attention throughout the relocation process. Consider the following tips when managing your pet's existing health concerns:


1. Medical Management Plan: Work with your veterinarian to develop a comprehensive medical management plan for your pet's condition during the relocation process, including dose adjustments, monitoring requirements, and emergency care options.


2. Medical Supplies: Ensure you have an adequate supply of essential medications, supplements, and other medical supplies to last the duration of the relocation process, including travel and settling into your new home.


3. Collaboration with Destination Veterinarians: Coordinate with a veterinarian in your destination country to receive post-relocation care for your pet. Share your pet's medical history and management plan with them to maintain continuity of care.



Adhering to vaccination and health requirements for international pet relocation is essential for the well-being of your beloved companion. Alongside the expert assistance of Airsupply Pet Travel, this comprehensive guide provides valuable knowledge on the crucial steps involved in ensuring your pet is in optimal health prior to moving.


Airsupply Pet Travel offers professional pet relocation services, including pet travel consultation, preparation of travel documents, and coordination of flights and ground transportation. Our expert team is committed to ensuring the health and well-being of your pet throughout the relocation process, providing invaluable knowledge and support as you prepare your pet for international travel. Trust in our expertise and dedication as they provide unwavering support and guidance throughout this momentous journey. With careful preparation, accurate documentation, and diligent management of your pet's health, you can confidently embark on your new adventure together. Contact us today to see how we can help you!